Haven 1 《The Moon》

I’d never leave Amy
I’d never let you go

Amy lifted her head from her desk and sighed.
The lecturer was droning on-oblivious to the fact that half the class was lost. The little breeze the few working fans in the lecture hall battled on with the heat in the large room.
She turned to catch Djan’s eye and turned away.
Looking down, she frowned at the incomprehensible scribbles she had scratched as notes. It trailed off unto the edge of the book unto the desk.
They didn’t look like words.
More like a confused insect that had been dipped in ink and was twittering its feet across her pages.
Her eyes begun to droop again and she quickly pinched herself.
A firm bite on her lips caught the protest her skin attempted to project through her throat.

Why was she sleepy again?
Because Mugha her roommate had convinced her last night was the perfect time to catch up on the last episodes of her favourite series.
Now Mugha, who had only evening classes was super chilled in her bed in their room.
And she struggled to grasp the floating figures of Bernoulli’s equation.
Her eyelids begun to feel heavy again and in depeserate frustration she raised her right foot and brought it into her left toes.
A chortled sound caught in her throat as the immediate front row turned to look at her.
She bowed her head and checked her sore toes.
She forgot she wore heels today.

Amy you have got to get a grip on yourself! Sleeping throughout this entire class won’t do you any good. Pass grade is rare and have to sleep to through this class?

She cursed herself silently for listening to Mugha.
Why couldn’t she say no?
Agreeing all time got her into fixes all the time
Like when in kindergarten she agreed to follow Lousia into the boys bathroom and she saw what the gardener and Uncle Dan were doing.
She shut her eyes at the memory.
When she opened them she wasn’t in the class anymore.
It was that night all over again.
It was prom night, or what her high school wanted to believe was.
It was pretty close to the kind you’d see in the American movies, thoughm
There was beautiful decor in the auditorium and a red carpet laid out before the doors
Inside there was dancing, laughter, food and music.
She was standing at the courtyard, behind the auditorium.
She turned and saw the school field and the moon so big, full and beautiful.
Her cousin had invoked in her a love of the moon she didn’t know existed. He always described it so graciously and amourously as if it were a girl he admired but couldn’t have the heart to approach.

Or is it because I didn’t see otherwise after he suggested all those nice things about a floating rock in the sky?

A hand fell upon her shoulder
She whirled around and looked up at his face.
He looked at her and smiled, swaying slightly as he shifted his weight.

Or was it because he was drunk?

“Hey Amy”
“Hi Kwame”
“You look pretty amazing”
She realised both hands were on her shoulders and dropping slowly past her arms
That’s when she took a step back
The courtyard was filled with gravel and she lost her balance

Who wouldn’t with those new heels and long dress?

She never hit the ground as she thought she would
Kwame caught her quickly and pulled her up
Her breath was caught in her chest
His cologne smelled heavenly
She was afraid if she took another whiff she’d melt

I have got to get out of here

She begun to walk past him to the auditorium when he held her arm.
“I expected a thank you or its of your way to do so?”
“Thank you. I have to go now”
He stepped into her path
She looked at him

Why is my heart beating fast?


His gaze was intense as he stared at her and then he looked up
“Look at the moon Amy”

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